Last update: 02.2023
About us
Wastewater is our resource.
We generate climate-neutral energy from sludge.
In this way, sewage treatment plants become power plants and keep freshwater circulating worldwide.
Environmental Services
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In Foundation
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Our Goal
Energy recovery from sewage sludge

Last update 07.2024
Scale / Period
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
M.watts/h (MW/h) / cumulated
We generate sustainable energy through our gasification of sewage sludge. In small sewage treatment plants, the sewage sludge is otherwise often applied to fields, which results in the energy potential to be lost.
Scale / Period
M.watts/h (MW/h) / cumulated
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
We generate sustainable energy through our gasification of sewage sludge. In small sewage treatment plants, the sewage sludge is otherwise often applied to fields, which results in the energy potential to be lost.
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Number of upgraded wastewater treatment plants

Last update 07.2024
Scale / Period
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
abs.number (|x|) / cumulated
With the upgrade through our technology, especially small wastewater treatment plants can be made more efficient. This offers great added value in reducing emissions per treatment plant.
Scale / Period
abs.number (|x|) / cumulated
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
With the upgrade through our technology, especially small wastewater treatment plants can be made more efficient. This offers great added value in reducing emissions per treatment plant.
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Primary KPI
Reduction material disposal of sewage sludge

Last update 07.2024
Scale / Period
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
One SHIT2POWER container plant saves the disposal of 2,160 t of sewage sludge per year. This sewage sludge has normally to be transported by lorries from the sewage treatment plants. We plan to have 30 units until the end of 2029.
Scale / Period
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
One SHIT2POWER container plant saves the disposal of 2,160 t of sewage sludge per year. This sewage sludge has normally to be transported by lorries from the sewage treatment plants. We plan to have 30 units until the end of 2029.
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Hydrogen recovered from sewage sludge

Last update 07.2024
Scale / Period
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
metr.tonnes (t) / per year
Within our sewage sludge gasification, we can separate 106.587 Nm³ hydrogen per year and per unit. We process hydrogen that would otherwise be lost. We plan to have 30 units until the end of 2029.
Scale / Period
metr.tonnes (t) / per year
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
Within our sewage sludge gasification, we can separate 106.587 Nm³ hydrogen per year and per unit. We process hydrogen that would otherwise be lost. We plan to have 30 units until the end of 2029.
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Production of ash for phosphorus recovery

Last update 07.2024
Scale / Period
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
The SHIT2POWER container plant reduces the sewage sludge to ash, which is ready for phosphorus separation. Compared to the original sewage sludge, the produced ash makes separation easier. We produce 151 t ash ready for phosphorus separation per year and per container plant.
Scale / Period
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
The SHIT2POWER container plant reduces the sewage sludge to ash, which is ready for phosphorus separation. Compared to the original sewage sludge, the produced ash makes separation easier. We produce 151 t ash ready for phosphorus separation per year and per container plant.
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Saving CO2e by substituting fossil energy sources

Last update 07.2024
Scale / Period
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
By unfolding the energy potential of the sewage sludge, we save on fossil fuel emissions. We have taken the current German energy mix as the basis for the calculation.
Scale / Period
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
By unfolding the energy potential of the sewage sludge, we save on fossil fuel emissions. We have taken the current German energy mix as the basis for the calculation.
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Reduction of transport emissions in CO2e

Last update 07.2024
Scale / Period
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
Normally, sewage sludge is transported 400 km on average to incineration plants. By treating sewage sludge on-site of wastewater treatment plants and reducing it to ash, we reduce emissions due to transportation by 92%, which equals 80 truck travels that are avoided per year. These CO2e emissions are saved.
Scale / Period
metr.tonnes (t) / cumulated
Goal (12.2029)
Actual (12.2022)
Description of impact
Normally, sewage sludge is transported 400 km on average to incineration plants. By treating sewage sludge on-site of wastewater treatment plants and reducing it to ash, we reduce emissions due to transportation by 92%, which equals 80 truck travels that are avoided per year. These CO2e emissions are saved.
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